Our teacher will go back to Japan in December so today was the last day of our tea lesson. As always we had a great time studying, eating delicious Japanese sweets and drinking a lot of koicha. Around noon, the teacher asked us to stop practicing because she was going to serve tenshin (a light meal for tea gathering). What a wonderful surprise! I have been eating vegan only for the last 5 months, I could have given the grilled salmon and sashimi to the other students. But I decided to eat them anyway. She thoughtfully prepared all dishes and it was a special day after all. The least I could do is showing my appreciation for her efforts and kindness. I didn't regret it. Thank you sensei. Mata ai ma sho.
Drinking the sweet tea water of Honyama shicha from the 5th, 6th, and 7th infusions. After the 4th infusion of the morning session, I put the tea in the fridge and brewed it in the afternoon with boiling water for 3 minutes, 4 mins, and 5 mins respectively.
Decanted the tea into my Pink Shino Chawan by Chris Chaney and enjoyed it after it cooled down. While it obviously didn't give me the bold flavors (and the astringent and grassy character were gone as well), I enjoyed its delicate and lighter taste. And it was also good with Amedei Chuao.