Due to conflicting reports about possible radiation levels in the 2011 crop from Shizuoka Prefecture, I decided to forgo Shizuoka-grown Shincha this year. I also wanted to try shinchas offered by other vendors - I hvae been buying my Japanese teas mostly from Yuuki-cha -, especially kinari shincha from Maiko but unfortunately most of the teas offered are not organic. So I went back to Yuuki-Cha again and got the Kumamoto Jo Shincha, a Chumushi (medium steamed) shincha from the old traditional town of Yabe in Kumamoto Prefecture.What attracted me to try this tea was the price ($12/100g) and the tea being medium steamed that I've never had before.
The tea is made from standard Yabukita tea plant cultivar and Tsuyuhikari, a hybrid of 'Asatsuyu' and 'Shizu7132'. I eyeballed everything; the tea, the water temperature and the brew time. While the tea was good and refreshing, it tasted a little bit to mellow to my taste. I am guessing partly because I didn't brew it as I normally do when I try a new tea by following the steeping methods provided by the vendor - which I will do next time I prepare this tea again.